The ULTIMATE Quick-Start Book Formatting Course 
for Authors on Formatting Their Novel for Print or eBook
Learn how to format your book (or hire someone to do it for you) so that it is ready for printing, self publishing, or uploading to Kindle Direct Publishing!
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What's Inside Our
Book Formatting Mini-Course?
Authors: You've written the best book you could, so don't sabotage your hard word with bad formatting!

That's why we created this short video mini-course on how to format your books for print or eBooks!

We cover EVERYTHING from page margins to line spacing in three short, engaging video lessons.

But let's face it...

Formatting can be such a bore!

Which is why, we're also giving you: 
 - our Book Formatting Guide to help you stay on track

 - our Book Formatting Checklist - to make sure it ALL gets done, and

 - our Hire A Formatter - Guided Worksheet, in case you dislike drudgery as much as we do!

Plus, we are also including a copy of our Outreach To Formatter - Email Template! 

No more:
- Trying to remember ALL the steps you have to complete to format for each distribution channel.

 - Agonizing over whether you got it right (or you will be getting emails from readers over tiny margin issues...)

- Trying to figure out what to say in an email when you're reaching out to a Formatter, if you decide that you want to hire someone who actually enjoys playing with margins to do all this for you.

Here's What To Do Next...
  • My 3-step method that takes you from blank page to rough draft finished in less than one week (write a better book in 1/10 of the time)
  • How to save $1,000's of dollars in the editing & book production process...producing a "traditionally-published quality" book on a budget.
  • My proven steps for building buzz for your book ahead of your launch
  • 4 launch strategies you can use to successfully launch your book...even if you don't have an audience, or any marketing skills
  •  How to keep book sales going after your launch
  •  Easy ways you can use your book to drive sales of your product & service offerings
For only $15, you'll get an easy-to-use system with checklists that you can rinse-and-reuse for each book you publish!